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Tutte le traduzioni - zynaps

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Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese Feudalism
Feudalism: A system of social and economic control where the ruling classes maintained control over and extracted suplus product from the producers through a system of extra-economic force which was legitimated by religion.

Feudal Rent: The forms of the extracted surplus product.
-rent in produce (food products, animals etc)
-labour rent (given number of days a week of labour on the lord’s land.
-Labour dues. Tasks serfs were obliged to perform free of charge for the lord.
-Money rent.

Traduzioni completate
Turco Feodalizm
Lingua originale
Inglese there is recent evidence that pss is involved in...
there is recent evidence that pss is involved in the oxidative doping of pled components,leading to reduced luminious efficiency.

Traduzioni completate
Turco PSS in rol oynadığı son bulgu